Board Appearance Request

Board Appearance Request Form

Please fill out this form only if you meet these criteria:

  • You would like to appear in front of the board to submit a public comment in person.

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Have you received or been promised any compensation or anything
else of value, including money or gifts, related to the topic you are
appearing and speaking about at public comment? *

Please indicate if you have a translator and need additional time to allow
for translation in order to provide public comment. *

Para mayor información en español, por favor llame al (407) 836-3111.

Attachments (Limit: 5 MB total.)


Please note that the time allocated to each individual for public comment (via online submission or in person) shall be at the sole discretion of the Mayor and may be reduced from the normal three minutes.

* Law Enforcement, Elected Officials, and Former Elected officials do not have to provide their personal address.