Christine Moore
District 2 Commissioner


Commissioner Christine Moore is the first female commissioner to serve in the District 2 seat in Orange County Government. She was elected to the Orange County Commission in November of 2018 representing Apopka, Ocoee, Lockhart, Tangerine, Zellwood, Eatonville and portions of Pine Hills, College Park, and Orlando in District 2. She was elected the 2021 Vice-Mayor for Orange County Government voted unanimously to the position by fellow commissioners in December 2020. She served on the Orange County School Board from 2008-2018.

Moore earned her Advanced Certified County Commissioner (ACCC) designation in June 2021 from the Florida Association of Counties. The Advanced CCC designation indicates completion of a comprehensive program of study related to best county governance practices in the State of Florida. Her track in this educational process began with earning Certified County Commissioner designation in June 2019.

Representing the Board of County Commissioners, Moore serves on the Board of Directors for United Arts of Central Florida.

Moore served as Chairperson of the Value Adjustment Board (VAB) and sits on the MetroPlan Orlando Board. She served previously on the Orange County Canvassing Board.

Since taking office, Commissioner Moore has successfully worked with multiple state governmental agencies in securing tens of millions of dollars to convert properties using septic to sewer. This vital effort has begun first with properties closest to the treasured Wekiwa Springs and will continue throughout District 2.

Commissioner Moore envisioned a mural in Lockhart showing the history of the District 2 community from its days as a lumber community to today and the future. She created the Lockhart Community History Mural which was dedicated on February 29, 2020 before a large audience. It is painted on a wall at Lake Lockhart and Edgewater drives. Following the dedication, Commissioner Moore created a driving tour related to the mural, and a supporting badge program.

As a school board member, Moore was board-certified, a distinction granted to those board members who serve with the highest degree of training in best governance practices. She chaired the districtwide Communications Committee and is proud of accomplishments achieved under her tenure such as the district earning the Broad Prize for Urban Education. Additionally, while serving, Orange County Public Schools achieved the highest graduation rates in district history.

Christine Moore is a cum laude graduate of the University of Michigan in Music Performance and Education. She has performed flute with the Brevard Symphony Orchestra, Florida Symphony Orchestra, Beautiful Music, and in many other venues. Additionally, she was employed as an adjunct professor at Valencia State College.

She authored a local history book, Ahapopka, and created a supporting honors program which includes a scouting organization-styled badge, educational field trips, and an essay contest which promoted local history and environmental responsibility. This program continues today.

Moore belongs to the Apopka and West Orange chambers of commerce, attends Wekiwa Springs Baptist Church, and is a member of the historical societies for Apopka and Orange County.

She was born in Minneapolis, MN to a musician and small business owner. She has two children, two granddaughters, and one grandson.

Commissioner Moore lives in northwest Orange County and enjoys gardening, hiking, reading a good book, and playing with her grandchildren at Orange County parks.

Contact Us

The Office of Orange County District 2 Commissioner
201 S. Rosalind Ave., 5th Floor
Orlando, FL 32801

Phone: (407) 836-7350
Fax: (407) 836-5976

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