Request for Applications - Public Services

The Request for Applications for Public Services will open on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, and close on Wednesday, April 2, 2025,
at 5 p.m.
, for eligible state certified 501(c)(3) organizations.

The mandatory pre-award technical assistance workshop will be conducted in person on Thursday, March 13, 2025,
from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
, at the Orange County Administration Building (Commission Chambers, 1st Floor) located at 201 S. Rosalind Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801.

CDBG-DR Programs

Orange County has prioritized the following programs based on the unmet and mitigation needs assessment and input from residents of impacted communities and internal and external stakeholders. These programs will assist in meeting long–term recovery needs and increasing our community’s ability to better withstand disaster events in the future. Funding for all programs will be awarded to eligible projects based on a competitive selection process. Funding under the Homeowner Housing Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Program will be awarded to homeowners who meet program eligibility requirements. All projects or activities must demonstrate a “tie-back” to Hurricane Ian or be a mitigation only project.

Click on each box below to learn more about the CDBG-DR programs:

Housing program
Infrastructure program
Mitigation program
Public service program
Planning program

Housing Program includes several components listed below.

  • Homeowner Housing Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Program helps eligible homeowners repair, rehabilitate, and/or reconstruct homes damaged by Hurricane Ian and may include bringing the home up to code compliance, elevation of a structure, and/or incorporation of mitigation measures to protect the home against future storm impacts.
  • Rental Housing Rehabilitation: Assists with repair or replacement of affordable rental units damaged by Hurricane Ian, that are owned by nonprofit agencies or public housing authorities and are serving income eligible households.
  • Rental assistance (Temporary): Assist households facing housing instability when receiving services under the Homeowner Housing Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Program or Rental Housing Rehabilitation.
  • New Affordable Housing Construction provides funding for: 1) Construction of affordable homeownership and rental housing units targeting workforce segments impacted by Hurricane Ian; 2) Housing for vulnerable populations such as seniors, homeless, and individuals at risk of homelessness; 3) Expansion of housing for special needs populations, including permanent supportive housing; and 4) Affordable housing preservation.

Infrastructure & Public Facilities Program provides CDBG-DR funds to municipalities and Orange County to carry out eligible projects, including stormwater and sewer improvements, drinking water infrastructure, emergency shelters, rehabilitation of public facilities, and broadband needs designed and constructed to reduce the risks associated with floodwater, withstand extreme weather events, and impacts of climate change.

Mitigation Program complements all disaster relief programs and proposed housing and infrastructure activities in the CDBG-DR action plan and will focus on strengthening existing housing and public infrastructure, flood diversion and prevention of damage and loss of property, and to ensure that the County is better equipped to face disaster-type events in the future and to provide long-term sustainability for Orange County residents and neighborhoods.

The following program policies apply to the mitigation program:

Public Services Program will assist LMI households and communities impacted by Hurricane Ian with essential services to secure economic recovery, housing stability, and resiliency to overcome future disasters. CDBG-DR public services funding will be targeted to support the delivery of essential services to households in areas most impacted by Hurricane Ian. The funding will be distributed to qualified local nonprofit service providers (through a competitive application process) for the following: self-sufficiency services (such as financial literacy, housing search and counseling, and legal services), health and mental health services, job training and placement, and other economic recovery related services such as disaster planning tools for small businesses in disaster prone areas.

Planning Program
CDBG-DR funding will be available to Orange County Departments and Divisions, as well as municipal governments, to fund studies, analysis and additional planning efforts that may result in additional recovery and resiliency priorities and activities or support the design and implementation of the current CDBG-DR programs.

Program Budget

Program by Category Budgeted Amount % of Total Allocation National Objective Estimated Outcome
Homeowner Housing Rehabilitation and Reconstruction $35,000,000
Rental Housing Rehabilitation $13,000,000
Rental Assistance (Temporary) $150,000
New Affordable Housing Construction $60,596,160
Subtotal Housing $108,746,160 49.5% LMI TBD
Flood and Drainage Related Repairs and Improvements
Storm water Management Projects
Restoration of Damaged Infrastructure
Rehabilitation of Public Facilities
Subtotal Infrastructure/Public Facilities $59,322,240 27% LMI TBD
Activities to increase resilience to future disasters and reduce or eliminate long- term risks 13% LMI TBD
Subtotal Mitigation $28,658,000
Self-sufficiency Services (financial literacy, housing search and counseling, legal assistance) 2,000,000
Health Services/Mental Health Services 2,500,000
Job Training/Job Placement Services 2,000,000
Other economic recovery related services 500,000
Subtotal Public Services $7,000,000 3.2% LMI TBD
ADMINISTRATION $10,985,600 5% N/A N/A
PLANNING $5,000,000 2.3% N/A N/A
TOTAL CDBG-DR $219,712,000 100%