Business with Orange County

How to do Business with Orange County

How Can I Receive Copies of Solicitations and Participate?

ePROCUREMENT PORTAL: Procurement has implemented an on- line e-procurement system that provides email notification to registered vendors for projects that fall under the category codes they select. You may access this program at the following link: and select SUBSCRIBE to follow the prompts to the create a Company Profile. Please note that having done business with the County in the past does not automatically register you in the system.

You will then be placed on a source list for the category code area(s) you have indicated. Vendors are encouraged to regularly check the eProcurement Portal regularly to ensure that you are aware of all solicitations to which you may be interested.

Vendors can submit offers and responses directly online using this secure platform. This platform is supported with live technical support:

  • Chat (preferred): Click the button in the lower right-hand corner of the portal.
  • Email:
  • Phone: 1 (650) 336-7167
  • Hours: Mon-Fri 8am - 8pm EST

What are the Contracting Procedures?

The principal objective of the Procurement Division is to buy the right quality, in the right quantity, at the right time, in the right place, and for the right price. All purchases, except Procurement Ordinance exceptions, sole sources and emergency requirements, are made through a competitive system of formal and informal solicitations.

The following contracting methods are used by the County to acquire goods and services:

  • Small Purchases (Up to $10,000):
    Requirements up to $10,000 are bought on the open market with or without competition. However, every attempt is made to secure such purchases from certified M/WBE vendors.
  • Informal Quotes (Greater than $10,000 - $150,000):
    Requirements greater than $10,000 - $150,000 are procured via a minimum of three quotes from selected vendors, one of which should be a certified M/WBE vendor if available. Vendors should take particular care when quoting prices to assure accuracy. The Procurement Division awards contracts to the lowest responsive and responsible quoter.
  • Formal Sealed Invitation for Bids (IFB) (Greater than $150,000):
    Sealed bids are solicited through the issuance of an Invitation for Bids (IFB). Bid Packages are prepared with specifications and conditions including items bid, units and total quantity required, instructions for bidding, delivery information, and any special requirements for bidding. Assigned dates for advertising and for bid opening are also included. The Procurement Division awards contracts to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.
  • Requests for Proposals (RFP) (Greater than $150,000):
    Requests for Proposals are often used for purchases of professional services (architect-engineer), specialized services or equipment of a highly technical nature. In addition to price, award is made on the basis of evaluating several criteria, including experience, qualifications, M/WBE participation, past performance, and other factors. RFPs are designed to select the best proposal based on the criteria stipulated in the RFP. Rather than detailed specifications, which are contained in Formal Sealed Bids, the RFP generally includes a series of objectives and scope of work to be accomplished.

What are the Bonding Requirements?

When a bid/contract exceeds $100,000, bonds may be required (as specified in the solicitation). Depending on the project type, you need to provide one of (3) types of bonds:


Bid bonds are used as security in the event the successful bidder refuses or neglects to execute the required written Contract and/or fails to furnish the required Performance and Payment bonds within then (10) days after issuance of Notice of Award of a Contract. If this should happen the amount of the Bidder's bid security (Bid Bond) shall be forfeited and retained by the County.

  • Must be submitted with your bid proposal.
  • Value of at least ten percent (10%) of your Base Bid proposal.

When Payment and Performance Bonds are required, they must be equal to (100%) the total awarded Contract amount.


Protect the County from lawsuits resulting from Contractor's non-payment of debts that might be incurred during the performance of the contract.


Insure the faithful performance of the obligations imposed on the Contractor by the Contract. Contractors are required to record bonds in the public records as required by Florida State Statutes, Chapter 255.05.

Minority and Women Business Enterprises (M/WBE)

Orange County is committed to achieving its Minority and Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE) and Equal Employment Opportunity goals. For certain types of contracts, the County includes requirements for M/WBE participation. For procurements up to $100,000 the County may directly negotiate with an M/WBE firm and make award.

For further information regarding the County’s M/WBE program, contact the Business Development Division at 407- 836-7317.

Right to Protest

Any actual or prospective bidder or proposer who is allegedly aggrieved in connection with a pending award may protest to the Manager, Procurement Division. A due process procedure will be followed to resolve any protest. Protest procedures are prescribed in the Orange County Ordinance.

For information on lobbying and blackout periods and protesting procedures please refer to the following website:

Payment Information

Invoices should be sent directly to the department/ division at the address specified on the purchase order. Questions regarding payments can best be answered by the County’s Finance Department – 407-836-5715.

Invoices must contain proper quantities, units, and total prices as stated in the contract. No payments will be issued prior to receipt and acceptance of commodities and services by authorized County representatives.

The County’s computerized purchase system encumbers funds simultaneously as the order is input. The purchase order is mailed the same day and is ready to process for payment immediately upon receipt and acceptance of goods and services. The County processes most invoices for payment within thirty (30) days, and expedites payments where additional discounts for prompt payment are offered. All payments shall be in accordance with the Local Government Prompt Payment Act.

The County is exempt from Florida State Sales Tax. Upon request, the County will provide a copy of its Tax Exemption Certificate. Any such taxes included on an invoice to the County will be deducted and the remaining amount will be paid.

Gifts and Gratuities

County procurement policy prohibits acceptance of gifts at any time. Employees must not become obligated to any supplier and shall not participate in any County transaction from which they will benefit directly or indirectly.

Vendor Ethics Policy

This Vendor Ethics Policy covers a wide range of business practices and procedures. It does not cover every issue that may arise, but provides a basic set of principles to guide all employees, officers, and directors of companies transacting business with the Orange County Board of County Commissioners.

Obeying the law, both in letter and spirit, is the foundation on which a vendor's ethical standards are built. All vendor employees, officers, and directors must respect and obey the laws and regulations of the agencies with which they operate.

Requirements for vendors doing business with the County:

  • Shall promptly disclose any conflict of interests.
  • Shall not profit from a conflict of interest on the part of a County employee.
  • Shall not compensate County employees for the performance of any activity related to the performance of his or her official duties. • Shall not make illegal political contributions.
  • Shall not profit, directly or indirectly, from the use of any secret or confidential knowledge or data of the County that a County employee has illicitly disclosed.
  • Shall not influence, or attempt to influence or cause to be influenced, any County employee in his or her official capacity in any manner which might tend to impair his or her objectivity or independence of judgment.
  • Shall not cause or influence, or attempt to cause or influence, any County employee to use, or to attempt to use, his or her official position to secure unwarranted privileges or advantages for the vendor or any other person or entity.
  • Shall not send holiday gifts, office-warming gifts, tokens of appreciation, or other items of any value to the Orange County Procurement Division or its staff. In addition, it is improper to invite Procurement Division Staff to meals, parties, sporting events, theatrical performances, and similar social functions.
  • Shall promptly report any illegal or unethical behavior.

How Do I Contact Procurement?

All Orange County purchases are made by or as prescribed the Procurement Division located at 400 E. South Street, 2nd Floor, Orlando, Florida 32801. Our telephone number is 407-836-5635 and our fax number is 407-836-5899, or email us at