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Protect our natural resources Environmental Protection Division 2024 Year In Review

Headline 1: Orange County's new "Healthy Lakes Need Living Lakeshores" page is live!
Discover more about the Lakeshore Protection (LSP) permit by visiting the site.

Headline 2: Orange County is reviewing its Noise Pollution Control Ordinance. We need your input to propose policy changes. Learn how to get involved.

Headline 3: Explore Orange County's Natural Resource Permits guide for dock construction, lakeshore restoration, and more.

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Air Quality Management
(Enforcing the Federal Clean Air Act...)

Boating & Water Safety
(Building a Better Code, Share an Idea...)

Brownfields Redevelopment
(Redeveloping Orange County Communities...)

Commercial Pollution Prevention
(Pollution Prevention Saves Money…)

(Submit an Environmental Complaint...)

Cooperative Extension
(Agricultural education, Food safety, 4-H...)

Fix It, Don't Pitch It
(Reduce, reuse, recycle...)

(Parks, Green Buildings, Local Harvest...)

(Environmental Protection Commission...)

Fertilizer Management Ordinance
(Rules for fertilizing your landscape ...)

Go Solar
(Solar and Clean Energy...)

Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment
(Protecting Groundwater and Freshwater Resources...)

Hazardous Waste Generators
(Regulatory Requirements , Services
provided by EPD...)

Healthy Lakes Need Living

(Shoreline vegetation is essential for the...)

Lakes and Rivers
(Dive in and learn more...)

Lakeshore & Wetland
Impact Permits
(Application Process...)

Natural Lands
(For nature-based recreation and preservation...)

(Noise pollution control, What you can do...)

Objectionable Odors
(Submit an odor complaint...)

OCFL Atlas
(Proposed Development Locations...)

Petroleum Storage & Management
(Services provided by EPD, Cleanup program...)

Residential Environmental Initiatives
(Healthy and Green Living...)

Septic Pollution Prevention
(Protecting our Water Bodies)

Solid Waste Compliance
(Our goal is to recycle...)

Special Protection Area Codes
(Shingle Creek and St. Johns...)

Stormwater Pollution Prevention
(Ways to prevent, What you can do...)

(Our Home for Life...)

Urban Forestry
(Protecting, Restoring and Improving Our Tree Canopy...)

Volunteer Opportunities
(Get involved in protecting the environment...)

Water, Garbage & Recycling
(Tire disposal, Harmful waste, Sewer service...)

Wetland Code Update
(Building a Better Code, Get Involved...)