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Zoning Division

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Zoning in Progress Ordinance

  • The The Board of County Commissioners has approved an updated Zoning in Progress Ordinance on October 29, 2024, in anticipation of Vision 2050 & Orange Code ( adoption which is anticipated to occur late Spring or early Summer, 2025. The "Zoning in Progress" Ordinance suspends the acceptance of new applications for rezoning (Planned Development and conventional rezoning requests), Future Land Use Map Amendments, and Special Exceptions (processed through the Zoning Division) until July 7, 2025, unless rescinded sooner.


  • Amendments to Orange County Code Chapter 38 - Zoning and Chapter 30 - Planning and Development were adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on December 12, 2023 by
    Ordinance 2023-46. These changes were effective January 1, 2024.

  • Amendments to Orange County Code Chapter 15, Article VIII, Tree Protection and Removal and Chapter 24, Landscaping, Buffering and Open Space were adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on September 12, 2023 by Ordinance 2023-35. These changes became effective on March 15, 2024.


Orange County's zoning division is responsible for the interpretation and implementation of zoning regulations that have been adopted in accordance with the county's comprehensive plan, (which designates the existing and future land uses). Considerations of zoning regulations include prevailing land uses, growth characteristics, and the character of the respective districts and suitability for particular uses.

Additionally, the zoning division supports the Board of Zoning Adjustment by processing variances to the zoning code as well as special exceptions.

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If you have vacant property that has not been assigned an address you can search by the parcel id, which can be obtained from the Orange County Property Appraiser, via our InfoMap Interactive Mapping system. To get started please visit the Interactive Mapping webpage and review the InfoMap Quick Start Guide. Additionally, if you would like more information for the property please use our InfoMap Interactive Mapping system to run a planning or zoning report.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Zoning?

Zoning is a designation assigned to your property that regulates how that property is allowed to be developed and used. Zoning districts specify the areas in which residential, commercial, industrial, recreational or commercial activities may take place.

How do I rezone my property?

Rezoning requests are processed through the County’s Planning Division and are reviewed for consistency and compatibility with the surrounding area as it relates to the County’s Comprehensive Plan. Contact the Planning Division at 407-836-5600 if you wish to discuss a potential rezoning of your property.

These applications are processed once per month and require a public hearing with the County’s Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) and acceptance of the PZC recommendation by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners . Planned Development (PD) rezoning requests are processed through the county’s Development Review Committee (DRC) and require public hearings with both the PZC and the Board of County Commissioners.

How can I find allowable uses, setbacks, height and parking requirements?

Visit Orange County Code Chapter 38 Zoning.

Find information about setbacks and height under Sec. 38-1501.

Find parking information under Sec. 38-1476.

Find allowable uses under Sec. 38-77 (land use table).

Find the conditions for permitted uses, special exceptions, etc. under Sec. 38-79.

For any other zoning-related questions, contact 3-1-1 or visit

How do I request a variance or special exception?

Visit our website and download the application at the Board of Zoning Adjustment webpage.

How do I obtain a Business Tax Receipt (BTR)?

Business Tax Receipts (BTR) are issued by the Orange County Tax Collector. However, for properties within unincorporated Orange County’s jurisdiction, the process for obtaining a BTR begins with a review by the Orange County Zoning Division to ensure the proposed use is allowed in a particular location. To get started, download and complete BTR application. Next, create a Fast Track account with Orange County Fast Track Online Services or log into an existing account if you already have one. When creating your account, the user category you will need to choose is Zoning/BZA. Please refer to the Orange County BTR webpage for guidance on application submittal. You may also refer to the Business Tax Receipt Submittal Guidelines to walk you through the submittal process.

A use permit may also be required. This permit is to confirm that the building you want to occupy is consistent with the building code requirements for that use. If you are changing the use of the space or the ownership of the business, a new use permit is required. If a use permit is required, it will be linked to your BTR application in Fast Track and you will need to complete the information on the permit so that it can be processed. Your BTR will not be approved until this permit has been completed.

If you are building a new structure or making changes to the interior or exterior of an existing structure a building permit will be required and can be applied for on Fast Track.

After you have received approval from the Zoning Division, paid all your fees, and receive a “C. of O.” from the Division of Building Safety, if applicable, you will then need to contact the Business Tax Department for further instruction. The Business Tax Office may be reached at 407-434-0312 option 2 for the business & property tax department.

Do I need a permit for a garage sale?

Yes. You are limited to one garage sale every six (6) months. For more information, visit the garage sale permit webpage.

Do I need a permit for boat or RV storage?

Yes. Visit the boat and RV permit webpage for more information.

Do I need a permit for a tent?

Yes. Visit the tent permits webpage.

What do I need to obtain a permit?

It varies by permit type, but you typically need an owner’s signature or owner’s authorization, a to-scale survey and/or site plan of the property, and if you are building a structure, engineered drawings are required.

Can I use my home as a short-term / transient rental like Airbnb or VRBO?

Short-term rental (length of stay of 179 days or less) is permitted only in Commercial C-1, C-2, C-3, and Industrial I-1A, I-1 / I-5, I-2 / I-3, and I-4 zoning districts, or in Planned Developments (PD) where short-term rental is expressly permitted.

Single-family transient rental is defined as the renting or leasing of a single-family dwelling for a period of less than thirty (30) days and is permitted only in the R-3 district.

In all other zoning districts, short-term rental and single-family transient rental shall be prohibited.


Do I need a permit for a new fence and/or fence repair?

Yes, a fence permit is required for the installation of a new fence and for fence repair/restoration. A survey is required showing the location of the proposed fence. Visit the residential fence permit webpage for more information.

How tall can my fence be and where can it be located?

Typically, residential fences are limited to a maximum height of 8 ft. in the side and rear yards, and a maximum height of 4 ft. in the required front yard. However, a fence is limited to a maximum 4 ft. in height within the lake setback area (50 ft. from the Normal High-Water Elevation (NHWE) line), and this must be shown on the survey submitted with the permit application. A fence must be located on or within the property lines of any parcel of land. There are additional restrictions depending on the specific parcel and location.

Reference (Ch. 38, Section 1408) or visit the residential fence permit webpage.

Which way can my fence face?

Zoning does not regulate which side the fence faces. However, a fence must be uniform in construction, design, material, color and pattern.

Who owns the fence?

To determine the fence ownership, research your property at Orange County Fast Track to determine who installed the fence. However, this is a private matter between the property owners.


Do I need a permit for a temporary sign?

Yes. A permit is required for temporary signs (e.g. special events, banners, real estate, construction and home subdivision signs). A site plan and sketch/photograph of the sign with dimensions is required to issue the permit. A special event sign may be erected for a maximum of 30 days and no more than two (2) permits for such signs may be issued on any parcel within a calendar year.

For more information about a sign permit, visit the sign permit webpage .

What do I need to obtain a sign permit?

You will need two (2) sets of engineered drawings for the sign, two (2) fully dimensioned site plans, elevation drawings of the sign, and a notarized letter from the property owner.

For more information about a sign permit, visit the sign permit webpage .

How do I calculate frontage and copy area?

The maximum copy area for allowable wall signage is based on the length of the portion of the building where the primary entrance is located. The maximum copy area for pole/ground signs is dependent upon the length of the property line along the public right-of-way on which the property borders. Generally, a total of one and one-half (1½) square feet of copy area for building signage may be allowed for each one (1) linear foot of building frontage per establishment. For detailed information on signage, visit Chapter 31.5 of the County Code.


Do I need a permit to remove a tree?

To remove a tree (or multiple trees) or to conduct clearing activity on private property, a permit from Orange County is required (unless the property has an occupied single family dwelling and is less than 2 acres in size). For more information on tree removal application fees and requirements, visit the webpages for Developed or Undeveloped Property or for Timber Harvesting. You can also contact the Zoning Arbor Office at 407-836-5807 or at

Questions about trees located in County right-of-way are handled by the Development Engineering Division at Public Works. If the tree represents a life, health or safety issue (e.g. sight line/tree elevation, threat of falling, etc.) or there are other maintenance issues, residents should report this by calling 3-1-1 or submit a request through the OCFL 311 App.

What do I do if a neighbor’s tree is a problem (might fall, etc.)?

If a neighbor’s tree is leaning over your property, or you believe it is in danger of falling, this is a private civil matter between the two private land owners. The County has no authorization to compel a property owner to remove such a tree.

You may be able to seek legal advice through the free legal aid society at 407-841-8310 or

Who can I call if my neighbor is clearing trees without authorization?

If you believe a neighbor or property owner is cutting down trees or clearing property without authorization, contact the Zoning Arbor Office at 407-836-5807 or at

Please be advised that FL Senate Bill 60, which became effective on July 1, 2021, placed significant restrictions on a local government’s ability to initiate an investigation based on an anonymous complaint. To ensure that we can initiate the investigation, we will need you to provide your name and address. If you choose not to provide your name and address, we may not be able to investigate your complaint. The information you provide will be evaluated based on the criteria in Senate Bill 60 to determine if an investigation is warranted. An investigation of an anonymous complaint can be performed if the violation presents an imminent threat to public health, safety, or welfare or imminent destruction of habitat or sensitive resources.


May I store (equipment/vehicles/merchandise) on my property?

The storage of equipment/vehicles or merchandise on private property is dependent on how your property is zoned. Outdoor storage is not allowed on residentially zoned property, Professional Office (P-O) or Commercial-1 (C-1) zoned properties.

May I have animals on my property (horses, chickens, goats, etc.)?

This depends on the zoning of your property and the species of the animal. Visit the Municode Sec. 38-77 webpage, where you can see a variety of allowable animal groups that are permitted and any conditions associated with their use. The conditions for permitted uses, special exceptions, etc. are found under Sec. 38-79.

Orange County adopted an ordinance allowing chickens to be kept on properties zoned for and developed with detached single-family residences in 2021. The Residential Backyard Chicken ordinance only applies to single-family residential zoned and developed properties. The raising and keeping of poultry is permitted separately on agriculturally zoned properties subject to the regulations in Section 38-79(36) of the Orange County Code. Please visit the Residential Backyard Chicken webpage for detailed information on this program.

Contact Us

Zoning Division
Phone: 407-836-3111

All e-mail sent to this address becomes part of Orange County public record. Comments received by our e-mail subsystem can be read by anyone who requests that privilege. In compliance with "Government in the Sunshine" laws, Orange County Government must make available, at request, any and all information not deemed a threat to the security of law enforcement agencies and personnel.