EcoMap – find parks, local harvest, certified green buildings, solar projects, and electric vehicle charging stations
Orange County wants to help you learn about habits that can help keep our homes, community, and environment clean, safe, and healthy, while often saving money at the same time.
Shopping at local businesses supports our local economy and generates less pollution. Local products travel shorter distances to reach you and thereby generates much less pollution in their transportation to market.
Learn more about local food options, such as shopping farmers markets, from the Local Harvest Organization.
You can easily reduce energy and water use while improving the comfort and efficiency in your home. Learn more about how to save and take part in free services, rebates and incentives.
Using sustainable products and services in your home not only minimizes impact on the environment, it is also better for the health of humans and animals.
Visit Greener Choices website for eco-living information.
You can help Orange County save landfill space and preserve resources for future generations:
We all live within a “watershed.” Watersheds naturally direct water flow from yards, roads, businesses, ponds, lakes, streams, etc. toward a main surface water body, such as lake or river.
Only rain should go down the drain:
Leaking oil or chemicals can pollute springs, lakes, and rivers, causing environmental damage. Polluted stormwater runoff isn't treated and impairs surface waters. Motor oil and other engine fluids are toxic to humans, wildlife, and vegetation. Just one gallon of oil can contaminate one million gallons of freshwater.
Cleanup Procedures:
Proper Disposal Locations: Free for Orange County residents, limited to 25 gallons per vehicle (no commercial waste is accepted):
Orange County Landfill HHW 5901 Young Pine Road, Orlando, FL Phone: 407-836-6600 Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Porter Road Transfer Station 1326 Good Homes Road, Orlando, FL Phone: 407-245-9543 Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
If you live in an area that is forested or near a water body, chances are you may encounter a wild animal at some point.
We can lessen the environmental impact of our product purchases by choosing ones that are safer and cleaner for our environment.
Learn how to safely dispose of unwanted medications.
Orange County Environmental Protection Division 3165 McCrory Place, Suite 200 Orlando, FL 32803 Email: Phone: (407) 836-1400 Fax: (407) 836-1499
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