Stormwater Pollution Prevention

Pollution Prevention

Stormwater pollution is a serious issue. When it rains, stormwater that does not seep into the ground becomes stormwater runoff which has the potential to pick up the pollutants it encounters along the way and transport them to our lakes, streams and wetlands. These pollutants, such as trash, oil, sediment, fertilizers and other chemicals, have the potential to cause harm to our surface waters which we all rely on for their recreational and economic value.

The Federal Government recognized this concern and established the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program, a federally mandated Clean Water Act program that regulates stormwater discharges with the goal of reducing the impact of stormwater runoff on our surface waters.

Orange County, as the operator of a large Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4), has the responsibility to help protect our surface waters from the impact of stormwater runoff by educating our citizens, visitors and businesses about stormwater pollution and how to prevent it.

What You Can Do

Stormwater Systems

Stormwater Systems should be maintained to provide the necessary pollutant removal.

Contractors and
Facility Managers

Contractors and facility managers can refer to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection website for compliance information regarding construction sites and existing private or commercial and industrial sites.

For new development, contact for instructions on required storm drain inlet labeling.

Contact Us

Environmental Protection Division
3165 McCrory Place, Suite 200
Orlando, FL 32803

Phone: (407) 836-1400
Fax: (407) 836-1499

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