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Citizens' Review Panel

Fund Distribution Process


Orange County is pleased to announce the opening of the Citizens' Review Panel (CRP) Fund Distribution Process on Monday, February 19, 2024.

The Citizens' Review Panel for Human Services Advisory Board (CRP) will accept and evaluate funding proposals from eligible Respondents. The CRP will then make funding recommendations to the Orange County Board of County Commissioners. This grant funding allows nonprofit organizations to provide vital services to children, youth and their families in Orange County.

In order to be considered eligible for a CRP award from Orange County, Respondents must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Have a physical location within Orange County, Florida;
  2. Be 501(c)(3) human services nonprofit organization;
  3. Cannot have a voting board member that is compensated by the Agency;
  4. Has been legally able to conduct business in the State of Florida for a minimum of one year prior to application; and,
  5. Timely submit a Proposal with all of the requisite documentation, certifications, affirmations, and acknowledgements that complies with the terms and conditions of each request for proposal.

Note: Agencies must submit a Notice of Intent to Apply by Monday, March 11, 2024 and be approved to move forward with the application for funding.

Funding recommendations are preliminary pending any agency appeals and are subject to change. They are also contingent upon the availability of funding and final approval by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners (BCC).

If there is a conflict, inconsistency, or omission between the Proposal and the relevant Scope of Services (or Program requirements), the requirements of the relevant Scope of Services (or Program requirements) take precedence to the Proposal and the Respondent will therefore be expected to meet all requirements, terms, and conditions in such Scope of Services.

Please access and review the CRP Process Information Packet at the link below for further details including the list of advertised proposals and funding categories.

CRP Process Information Packet – REVISED 02.28.24
Addendum #1

Contact Us

Orange County Citizens’ Commission for Children
Mable Butler Building
2100 East Michigan Street, 2nd Floor
Orlando, Florida 32806

Phone: (407) 836-7610
Fax: (407) 836-6556