Neighborhood Centers for Families (NCF) are one-stop centers that provide residents with a multitude of valuable services within their communities. Funded by the Orange County Citizens’ Commission for Children, services are offered at 13 locations throughout the County. They offer counseling programs, tutoring, employment skills, case management, senior activities, limited health services, and so much more.
Each NCF is made up of non-profit organizations, government agencies, churches and community groups working together to address the specific needs of the surrounding community. These organizations collaborate to provide intergenerational programs, services and activities that address the needs of the entire family. Most services are offered free of charge.
Each NCF is uniquely designed to address the needs of its surrounding community and offers flexible hours of service in a family-friendly and accessible location.
Child care stipends, through Community Coordinated Care for Children, Inc. (4C) are also available for clients who are actively enrolled in services.
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