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Contact:Rachel Scott, Executive Assistant
Visit Orlando
6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Suite 400
Orlando, FL 32821-8043
Telephone: (407) 354-5598
Email: Sportsincentivecommittee@gmail.com
Location:Orange County Administration Building
201 S. Rosalind Avenue, 1st Floor, BCC Chamber
Orlando, Florida 32801
Description:The purpose of this meeting is for the committee to review applications for sports incentive funds authorized under the Tourist Development Plan and submit recommendations to the Board for final determination on funding requests.
Contact:Marissa Drake
Orange County Environmental Protection Division
Lake Management Section
3165 McCrory Place, Suite 200
Orlando, FL 32803
Location:Edgewood City Hall
405 Larue Avenue Edgewood, FL 32809
Description:Meeting to discuss issues relating to the management of Lake Mary.
Contact:Kevin Camm, County Extension Director
Location:Orange County Cooperative Extension
(UF/IFAS Extension Orange County)
6021 S. Conway Rd.
Orlando, FL 32812
Description:To assist in the review and analysis of Orange County rules, regulations and ordinances affecting the agricultural industry.
Contact:W.D. Morris, Executive Director
(407) 894-0014
Location:Orange County Administrative Building
1st Floor, Commissioners' Chamber
201 S Rosalind Avenue
Orlando, FL 32801
Description:Regular monthly meeting.
Contact:Sean Hawkins 407-836-6266 or Sean.Hawkins@ocfl.net
Location:Board Members & Public Comments In-Person at Barnett Park Dolphin Room 4801 W. Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32808
WebEx for Listening Only:
Public: https://ocfl.webex.com/ocfl/j.php?MTID=m3a36439a94a6cdf35ac3e2d6e81d8861
Join by meeting number: Meeting number (access code): 2464 327 5028; Meeting password: yE2G3YNjCF3
Contact:Ted Kozak, AICP
Chief Planner, Zoning Division
Tel: 407-836-5537
Location:Orange County Administration Building
in Orange County Commission Chambers
201 S. Rosalind Avenue, 1st Floor
Orlando, Florida 32801
Description:The BZA Feedback form for this meeting can be located at http://www.bit.ly/bzaform1
Please CLICK HERE to access all supporting documentation for this meeting.
Contact:David Kilbury, Fire Marshal,
(407) 836-8301
Location:Office of the Fire Marshal
7079 University Blvd.
Winter Park, Florida
Description:Fire Appeals
Contact:Terry Olson, 407-836-5540
Location:Largo Training Room, 450 E. South Street, Orlando, FL 32801
Description:To advance support for arts and culture.
Contact:Terry Olson, 407-836-5540
Location:3rd Floor Conference Room, 450 E. South Street, Orlando, FL 32801
Description:Orientation for New Member Frank Taylor
Contact:Nidia Volpe
Orange County Environmental Protection Division
Lake Management Section
Location:Cypress Grove Park
Grove House
290 W Holden Ave
Orlando, FL 32839
Description:Discuss the management of the Lake Jessamine MSTU funds.
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