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Contact:Rachel Scott, Finance Project Manager
Visit Orlando
Telephone: (407)354-5598
Email: sportsincentivecommittee@gmail.com
Location:Orange County Administration Building
201 S. Rosalind Avenue, 1st Floor, BCC Chamber Orlando, Florida 32801
Description:The purpose of this meeting is for the Sports Incentive Committee to review applications for sports incentive funds as authorized under the Tourist Development Plan and submit recommendations to the Board for final determination on funding requests.
Contact:Trudy Wild, Director of Public Grants & Advocacy
United Arts of Central Florida
Direct office: (321) 972.9837
United Arts main line: (407) 628.0333
Location:Virtual via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkdeCrqDIpGt0ire_1uUhlyQ0kRf-M2IO3#/registration
Description:TDT ARC grant application information session hosted by United Arts of Central Florida.
Contact:Nicole Brown, Nicole.Brown@ocfl.net 407-836-7446
Location:Holden Heights Community Center
1201 20th Street, Orlando, FL 32805
Description:To discuss Commission on Aging projects
Contact:W.D. Morris, Executive Director (407) 894-0014
Location:Orange County Administration Building
201 S Rosalind Avenue
Orlando, FL 32801
3rd Floor, Conference Room Legal A
Description:Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) public hearing concerning the proposed issuance of its not to exceed $4,000,000 Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, to finance a portion of the acquisition, construction and equipping of a residential rental project--Sandpiper Glen Apartments- for persons who are senior citizens (62 years and older) of low, middle and moderate income in Orange County, Florida, District 3.
Contact:Elizabeth "Liz" R. Johnson, CEP, PWS, MPA, Assistant Manager, 407-836-1511, Liz.johnson@ocfl.net
Location:Environmental Protection Division
3165 McCrory Place, Suite 200
Orlando Florida 32803
Description:In accordance with Section 15-31, the commission shall have the following duties, functions, powers and responsibilities:
- To recommend revisions and amendments from time to time of appropriate rules and regulations reasonably necessary for the implementation and effective enforcement, administration and interpretation of the provisions of this act [article] that provide for the effective and continuing protection of the environmental quality of the air, water and land in the County.
- To review staff recommendations for appropriate fees to be charged by the County for the services rendered by the county under the provisions of this act [article].
- To hold public hearings on appeals of staff decisions regarding environmental permits as designated by the Board of County Commissioners and, after publicly discussing the application and taking testimony and evidence from the applicant and public, submit its recommendation on the application to the Bboard of County Commissioners.
- To perform such other related duties, functions and responsibilities as may be assigned to the commission from time to time by the Board of County Commissioners.
- To make other recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners regarding improvements to the natural resources and environmental issues.
Contact:Marcia Davis, (407) 855-1705
Location:Holden Heights Community Center, 1201 20th Street, Orlando, FL
Description:Regular Monthly Meeting
Contact:Trudy Wild, Director of Public Grants & Advocacy
United Arts of Central Florida
Direct office: (321) 972-9837
United Arts main line: (407) 628-0333
Location:Orange County Administration Building
201 S Rosalind Avenue
Orlando, FL 32801
County Commission Chambers, 1st Floor
Description:TDT ARC grant application information session hosted by United Arts Central Florida
Contact:Shirley Wilson 407-836-2948
Location:BCC Chambers
201 S. Rosalind Avenue
Orlando, FL. 32802
Contact:Ken Peach, (866) 991-3652
Location:5931 Brick Court, Suite 164, Conference Room, Winter Park, FL
Description:Regular bi-monthly meeting
Contact:Deborah.jenkins@ocfl.net 407-836-4256
Location:County Administrative Building
201 S Rosalind Ave, 1st Floor
Orlando, FL 32801
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