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Featured Work

Do this in Remembrance of Me

Window/Panel (INTERIOR)

Central Christian Church

About the Artwork

Central to the worship of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is the celebration of the Lord's Supper. Each Sunday the congregation gathers around the table of the Lord to partake of the emblems of the loaf and the cup representing the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Members believe that the observance of the Lord's Supper each Sunday was the common practice of the early first century church. All believers are invited to the table. Also, no specialy ordained priesthood or ministry administers the ordinance. The Lord's Supper belongs to the laity, and it is the lay persons who say the prayers of consecration. This window symbolizes the centrality of the Lord's Supper in Disciple worship. In the center are emblems of the loaf and the cup representing the presence of Christ. From these emanate a great light around which the Christian community gathers. No alter rail separates the worshippers from the Holy Feast of the bread and the wine. At the Lord's Table the Christian community celebrates its oneness with Christ and with one another. It was over a dispute concerning who was worthy to receive the Lord's Supper that the Campbells first broke rank with the historic church. The Campbells felt no doctrinal testing was required for admission to the Supper. To this day, the Disciples of Christ guard against the Lord's Supper ever becoming a test of fellowship or under sole administration of a selected priesthood. The Lord's Supper, along with Baptism, are the ONLY Two Ordinances recognized by the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Did you know?

The Orange County Courthouse houses a collection of Florida artists work in oil, photography, acrylic, ceramics, water color, and mixed media.

Discover Art in Central Florida!

For those who have eyes to see, there are hundreds of works of art around them. This web site provides some information on many of those works of art that can be regularly viewed in Orange County by any member of the public without an admission fee. They are outside in public view, or located in an interior area that is normally open to the public.

Look around this web site and find something that interests you. Then go see it in person. The information you find here will add to the pleasure of exploring public art in Central Florida.

If, in your travels around Orange County, you come across some public art that is not listed here, please let us know so we can add it. If you are aware of additional information about art or artist that is included here, again, please let us know. Together we can make this an incredible resource for people seeking to spice up their life through exploring art.