Sustainability Committee


To pursue and implement the long-term sustainability and resiliency of the arts and cultural community, and its place in the natural, built and human environment of Orange County.


  1. Our arts and cultural community is well-established and thriving.
  2. Cultural events and venues are well-attended.
  3. Our cultural reputation is highly regarded locally, nationally and internationally.
  4. Arts and cultural education is excellent and accessible.
  5. The arts and culture support environmental sustainability.
  6. Encourage and foster new works, organizations and innovation in the arts.

Committee Members:

Jennifer Benton, Chair
Brandan Lanman
Nancy Rodlun
Sara Van Arsdel
Theo Webster

Contact Us

Vicki Landon, Administrator
Orange County Arts & Cultural Affairs
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1393
Orlando, Florida, 32802-1393
Offices: 450 E. South St., Suite 345
Orlando, Florida, 32801

Phone: (407) 836-5540
Fax: (407) 836-5554

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