911 Services & Information:
911 Administration is a unit of Orange County’s Information Systems and Services Division. The unit manages the implementation and maintenance of the Orange County’s 911 infrastructure, directing emergency calls to the 10 Public Safety
Answering Points (PSAPs).
Who We Serve:
Orange County’s enhanced 911 response system serves 1.4 million residents in 13 municipalities, including Apopka, Bay Lake, Belle Isle, Town of Eatonville, Edgewood, Lake Buena Vista, Maitland, Town of Oakland, Ocoee, Orlando, Town of
Windermere, Winter Garden and Winter Park.
International Visitors:
The universal emergency phone number in the U.S. is 911. Visitors planning a trip to the U.S. should check with their mobile service provider about emergency coverage and compatibility.
When to use 911 Services:
911 is the number to call to receive help from police, fire, or emergency medical services. A voice call to 911 is always the preferred way to access help in an emergency, a life threatening situation or to report a crime in progress.
You should only Text to 911 when a voice call is not a safe or viable option for the specific situation. Text to 911 should only be used for emergencies.
To better help 911 telecommunicators help you, remember these ABCs when you call for help:
Answer the call taker’s questions
Know your location. If you don’t know the exact address, provide the call taker with landmarks or cross streets. If you are in a building, be sure to give the floor or office number.
Be sure to stay on the line
If you accidentally dial 911, stay on the line and let the call taker know. Hanging up will prompt 911 to call you back. A law enforcement officer will be dispatched if there is no answer or a busy signal.
Carefully follow instructions
Until first responders arrive, the 911 call taker may provide you with instructions for keeping yourself or others safe.