Orange County Fire Rescue
On average, Florida experiences the second highest number of wildfires in the nation. Orange County Fire Rescue receives continuous training to combat the threat of wildfires in and around our community, with more than 80 Orange County firefighters who have advanced Wildland Firefighter training.
Fires in what is known as the wildland/urban interface (WUI) – where wildland borders or is intermixed with residences – prove especially challenging because of the immediate risk to life and property. For this reason, Orange County Fire Rescue has strategically placed specialized trucks at designated fire stations in areas susceptible to wildfires or within WUIs.
Additionally, Orange County Fire Rescue regularly partners with the Florida Forest Service, the state agency that manages Florida’s forest resources including prescribed burns to reduce wildfire risk. Through the partnership, the agencies have established procedures of mutual aid, integrated communication and joint training specific to wildfires to keep the community safe.
Wildfires can cause major environmental, social and economic damages to a community. Prevention is key in helping to reduce the number of human-caused fires, one of the most important goals for Orange County Fire Rescue and the Florida Forest Service.
National Fire Protection Association
Keeping Your Family Safe:
Orange County Fire Rescue reminds citizens to take the following actions to protect their families from fire danger. Additionally, residents can download the OCFL Alert app and sign up for OC Alert to stay abreast of rapidly-changing conditions and warnings for your area.
Ready, Set, Go: The Ready, Set, Go! Program seeks to share information with residents and property owners on how they can successfully become prepared in the event of a wildland fire.
Prepare long before the threat of a wildland fire so your property is ready to sustain the threat. Create defensible space by clearing brush away from structures. Use fire-resistant landscaping and harden structures using fire-safe construction.
Put together a ‘go kit’ and action plan. Learn how to receive and stay aware of the latest news and information on the fire from local media, fire departments and public safety agencies.
Leave well before the threat approaches, following an accessible exit route and cooperate with local authorities during evacuation and re-entry processes.
Becoming a firewise community is another way Orange County residents are preparing and protecting their homes against the threat of wildfire. From landscaping to construction, a firewise community can help keep your family safe. For more information please visit the Florida Forest Service.