Can the Orange County Corrections Department require additional background checks beyond the state and national criminal history background check performed by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE)?
No. Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Compliance ensures the minimum background check required by the FBI CJIS standards is performed.
Do all personnel with unescorted CJIS access need to undergo the state and national criminal history background check?
Yes. Prior to being granted access to Criminal Justice Information (CJI), all individuals shall verify identification through the state and national criminal history background check.
Why would a vendor/volunteer be shown as “Not Authorized”?
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) requires the electronic submission of fingerprints in order to conduct a state and national criminal history background check. If a felony conviction or a felony arrest without a disposition is found, the vendor/volunteer will be listed as “not authorized.” Individuals with a felony conviction cannot have access to CJIS information.