Show your appreciation to residents who have made their yards look fantastic! Highlighting the positive is one step to an even better neighborhood.
The Yard-of-the-Month (YOM) program encourages residents to take pride in their property’s appearance in a fun and easy way. Communities can nominate and vote on which yard in their neighborhood is worth recognizing with a sign.
Upholding Clean & Attractive Neighborhoods – The winning properties should be selected based on the following criteria: well-maintained yard with green and healthy grass, neat landscaping, tidy appearance, curb appeal, and a front yard cleared of clutter and debris.
Follow three (3) simple steps to get started!
The YOM program offers two different types of signs and options:
Orange County Neighborhood Services Division Community Development & Outreach Section 2450 W. 33rd Street, 2nd Floor Orlando, FL 32839 Email: Phone: (407) 836-4200
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