Dock Construction Permit

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Headline 5: To safely serve you, EPD is now accepting requests for virtual and in-person appointments. Please, no walk-ins. Email Visit the Coronavirus Development Services page for more information.

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An EPD permit is required prior to obtaining an Orange County Building permit for a new dock. Our permits review the dock construction for impacts to the environment and include review of side setbacks, roof height, terminal platform size and other specific criteria. Once you have obtained our permit, an Orange County Building permit is required.

For Division of Building Safety permitting requirements see New Commercial Structure or Residential Accessory Building.


  1. Complete an Application for Dock Construction Permit.
    • Application can be mailed, delivered or faxed to Orange County Environmental Protection Division (EPD), 3165 McCrory Place, Suite 200, Orlando, Florida 32803. Fax: (407) 836-1499.
    • Submit application with required materials listed on pages 2 and 3.
    • An Agent Authorization Form must also be submitted with the application.
    • Some boat docks may be grandfathered. Contact the Environmental Protection Division for rules regarding maintenance and repair of old docks.
  2. Application is reviewed for compliance with County regulations by EPD.
  3. EPD will conduct a site review.
  4. EPD will send a Request for Additional Information if needed.
  5. Once the permit application is administratively and technically complete, EPD issues the dock construction permit.
  6. The permit is valid for one (1) year.
  7. Once you have obtained a Dock Construction Permit, an Orange County building permit is required.


  • Application Fee: $119.00
  • Variance and Appeals (public hearing): $3,924.00
  • Variance (administrative): $409.00

Contact Us

Environment Protection Division
3165 McCrory Place, Suite 200
Orlando, FL 32803

Phone: (407) 836-1400
Fax: (407) 836-1499

All e-mail sent to this address becomes part of Orange County public record. Comments received by our e-mail subsystem can be read by anyone who requests that privilege. In compliance with "Government in the Sunshine" laws, Orange County Government must make available, at request, any and all information not deemed a threat to the security of law enforcement agencies and personnel.