This page explains the basic requirements for submitting a permit application for residential demolition.
Demolition permits are not currently available on Orange County’s Fast Track Online Services permitting portal.
In order to use the online payment portion of this process, applicants are required to have an Orange County Fast Track account. If you do not currently have an Orange County FastTrack account, please view the Registration Instructions.
Email the following required permitting documents for processing to
Residential Demolition Permitting Information
Minimum Documentation Requirements:
- Page 1 of the Application for Building/Land Use Permit must be completely filled and signed.
- On the ‘Nature of Proposed
Improvement’ field of the application:
- Identify the project as a demolition and indicate the type of structure
to be demolished.
- Include the height and square
footage of the structure.
- Identify if this is a court
ordered demolition.
- Proper documentation will be required.
- Total job value is required.
- Page 2 of the Application for Building/Land
Use Permit
is required to be submitted.
- This form must be completely filled out signed and notarized.
- Site plan or an aerial photo of the property noting the location of the structure to be demolished.
- Disconnect Documentation
- When applicable:
- A letter
of service disconnect is required from the utility companies providing service
to the structure such as electrical power and gas.
Examples: A single family residence, A mobile home.
- A signed and notarized disconnect
letter from a Florida Licensed Electrical contractor (EC or ER) registered with
Orange County Contractor Licensing is required. The letter must include the
contractor's name, license number and contact information along with a
statement certifying that all electrical power to the structure (identify the
structure by name) has been disconnected.
Examples: Pool or Spa, A free standing garage/structure.
- If not applicable: Indicate no utilities are
attached to structure on application or submitted
- Owner-Builder Instructions: Homeowners
who choose to apply as an owner
‐builder; must email to
schedule a video meeting to verify ownership.
- If your permit has a Health Review: Please contact the Health Department, located at 1001 Executive Center Drive, Suite 200, Orlando, FL, at 407-858-1497 ext. 5228 for assistance.
- Processing
- Once we process your demo permit you will receive an email for
your approved or unapproved application
- You may also access your demo permit online for status updates.
- For approved applications, an invoice is issued which must be
paid by the contractor/Owner-Builder online.
Inspections are required for all permits. Use Fast Track to schedule and manage inspections online. For questions, contact 407-836-5550 and request to speak to a Building Inspections Team Member. To learn more about using Fast Track, please visit the Fast Track Video Resources.
A passed "310 Demolition Inspection” is required to verify drain holes have been inserted in the base of the pool shell.
A passed "290 Final Inspection" is required in order for the permit status to change to complete. Failure to schedule and pass a Final Inspection within the allowed time will result in the permit expiring.
A licensed contractor will be required to accept permit issuance. An owner-builder may act as Contractor under Exemption to F.S. 489.103(7)(a).