International Drive Pedestrian Bridge

Orange County Convention Center to Hyatt Regency Hotel


The proposed bridge spans over 400 feet from the ground level of the Hyatt Regency Hotel to the West Building of the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC). An exterior plaza and entry will be created on the existing colonnade roof top to enter the OCCC at the third level area of the Linda Chapin Theater. Access to the bridge includes escalators, stairs and elevators along three points of the span. The escalators at the Hyatt Regency landing will accommodate the demands of the east side of International Drive while the existing interior escalators in the OCCC will be available on the west side of International Drive. The bridge will eliminate the need to provide Sherriff Department traffic control at this location during larger convention events. Additionally the bridge will serve as a gateway to International Drive.

This pedestrian bridge will be the fourth bridge to be built to connect nearby hotels to the Orange County Convention Center. The other three bridges are the Oversight, Hilton Orlando and Rosen Centre Bridges. Unlike the other existing pedestrian bridges this bridge is being funded with Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) dollars and is considered "Everyone's Bridge", since the CRA represents all the International Drive Stakeholders.


The proposed bridge spans over 400 feet from the ground level of the Hyatt Regency Hotel to the West Building of the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC).


To allow pedestrians safe and continuous access to the Orange County Convention Center by elevating them above the congestive traffic on International Drive.


Bridge open for public use

Contact Us

Orange County Public Works Department
Engineering Division
4200 S. John Young Parkway
Orlando, Florida 32839

Phone: (407) 836-7998
Fax: (407) 836-7714