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Contact:Jordan DeWitt
Orlando Economic Partnership
200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 200
Orlando, FL 32801
Telephone: 407-902-4226
Location:Orange County Administration Building
201 S Rosalind Avenue
Orlando, FL 32801
3rd Floor, OMB Conference Room
Description:Regular monthly meeting.
Contact:Laekin O'Hara
Location:Moss Park Elementary School - Media Center 9301 N. Shore Golf Club Blvd., Orlando, FL 32832
Description:REQUEST: Special Exception and Variance in the A-2 zoning district as follows:
1) Special Exception to allow the construction of a 180 ft. high camouflaged monopine communication tower.
2) Variance to allow a residential distance separation of 464.3 ft. in lieu of 1,260 ft.
Contact:Whitney Marshall
Planning Council Support Manager
Location:Heart of Florida United Way
Located at the Holden Heights Community Center at 1201 20th Street, Orlando, FL, 32805.
(In person meeting only.)
Description:Monthly standing committee meeting of the Central Florida HIV Planning Council.
Contact:Justin Lee, Planner
email: Justin.lee@ocfl.net
Location:Blankner Elementary School Cafeteria
2500 S Mills Ave
Orlando Fl 32806
Description:The request is to change the Future Land Use Map designation of the 1.86-acre subject property from Low-Medium Density Residential (LMDR) & Commercial (C) to Medium High Density Residential (MHDR) and to rezone the site from C-1 (Retail Commercial District) and R-1A (Single-Family Dwelling District) to PD (Planned Development District). The applicant is proposing to develop up to 38
townhomes. As the subject property is less than ten acres in size, this request is considered a small-scale amendment to the Future Land Use Map,
requiring two public hearings: one before the Local Planning Agency (LPA)
and one before the Board of County Commissioners (BCC).
Contact:Linda Hull
Location:Orange County Facilities Training Room
2341 E. Illiana St
Orlando, FL 32806
Description:To discuss domestic animal related issues in Orange County.
Contact:Karen Bourgeois 407-836-4259
Deborah Arthurs 407-836-4254
Shishona Jackson-Price 407-836-4274
Location:County Administrative Building
201 S Rosalind Ave, 1st Floor
Orlando, FL 32801
Contact:Marcia Davis, (407) 855-1705
Location:Holden Heights Community Center, 1201 20th Street, Orlando, FL
Description:Regular Monthly Meeting
Location:Orange County Public Works Department
4200 South John Young Parkway
Orlando, Florida 32839
1st. Floor, Main Conference Room
Contact:Jennifer Jensen
Location:Teams Only (no in person):
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 251 382 602 77
Passcode: cH9g5Z8k
Dial in by phone
+1 689-206-9279,,51959264# United States, Orlando
Find a local number
Phone conference ID: 519 592 64#
Contact:Sandy Lanier
Orange County Office of Emergency Management
Location:Orange County Administration Center
201 S. Rosalind Avenue
Orlando, FL 32801
Description:Coordinate and plan for events to make our communities safer, stronger and better prepared to respond to all types of disasters. The primary objective includes educating, training and promoting volunteerism to involve citizens in helping them better prepare communities and neighborhoods to make a difference.
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