Commercial Demolition Permit

Acquire one today


  1. Prior to applying for a Commercial Demolition Permit, you must first obtain approval from the following agencies. Please view the Residential Demolition page for residential projects.
    • Health Department, 1001 Executive Center Drive, Suite 200, Orlando, FL 32803 between the hours of 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. or contact 407-858-1497 ext. 5228.
    • Environmental Protection Division, 3165 McCrory Place, Suite 200, Orlando, FL 32803 or contact (407) 836-1400.
  2. Once approved by the agencies listed above then you can proceed to the Division of Building Safety.
  3. In order for a Demolition Permit to be issued on a commercial building, a pre-demolition inspection must be completed first.
    • demolition of a residential property does not require a pre-demolition inspection (go to step number 7).
  4. complete and submit a Pre-demolition Form (for commercial demolition only).
    • Includes Notice for Demolition or Asbestos Renovation form.
  5. A site plan drawn to dimensional scale or a copy of the Property Appraiser’s aerial map.
    • The plan needs to indicate the location of the structure on the property to be demolished.
  6. After the Pre-demolition inspection has been done, a Demolition Permit can be applied for.
  7. The following information is required for permit issuance:
  8. Application is reviewed for compliance.
  9. For approved applications, an invoice is issued which must be paid by the applicant to the cashier.
  10. The demolition permit is issued to the applicant.


Fee Schedule.

Contact Us

For questions, or to submit completed demolition applications contact the Division of Building Safety:
Phone: (407) 836-5500
Office: Orange County Administration Building, 201 South Rosalind Avenue, 1st Floor, Orlando 32801