What is the first step to getting a minority vendor? Submit the certification form.
What are the associated costs with minority certification? Orange County doesn't charge a fee for certification.
How can I obtain a copy of the Minority and Women's Business Enterprises (M/WBE) Ordinance? Download the Ordinance Number 2009-21 (PDF).
How do I register for an upcoming Certification or How to do Business with Orange County workshop? Contact Patrice McKay at Patrice.McKay@ocfl.net.
How does a company qualify as a graduate M/WBE firm? Achieve M/WBE certification and maintain a three-year company net worth greater than $2.3 million.
How can a graduate company help my company meet M/WBE participation goals? A graduate M/WBE firm is recognized only as a certified M/WBE firm on larger projects that require a great level of expertise, bonding capacity and experience. A prime consultant (or contractor) may use a graduate M/WBE to satisfy Orange County contract participation goals only in the following cases:
- Vertical construction projects in which the total prime contractor's award exceeds $10,000,000.
- Horizontal construction projects in which the total prime contractor's award exceeds $7,000,000.
- Other construction awards greater than $7,000,000.
- Professional Services in which the aggregate fees awarded to the prime exceed $500,000.
After submitting a quote to a construction prime contractor for a bid, how do I know whether he was selected as the low bidder? Procurement Division provides this information.
How can I engage in a joint venture for an upcoming proposal? Contact the prime consultant or prime contractor and ask about pursuing a joint venture with their firm. If the parties are in agreement, then complete the joint venture forms provided in the bid/proposal package.
How does Business Development evaluate the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and consultants on RFP proposals? The M/WBE participation will be evaluated based on completed schedule of subcontracting: M/WBE participation form and the Employment Data, Schedule of Minorities and Women form. The evaluation of the Minority/Women workforce is based only on the employees in the following categories: Official/ Manager/ Supervisor, Professional, Technician, Apprentice and Intern/Co-Ops.
What are the minority participation goals on Orange County projects? 25% Construction, 27% Professional Services, 24% Services and 10% Goods.