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Orange County
Earth Month

Public Works

Orange County Earth Month Logo

Public Works

The Public Works Department designs, constructs, operates and maintains the County’s roadways, drainage systems, traffic control devices and pedestrian walkways through professional, innovative and sustainable services consistent with the vision and goals of Orange County.

Orlo Vista Flood Mitigation Project

Residents of Orlo Vista, Orange County, are recognizing a significant milestone in flood protection and community resiliency. As the neighborhood successfully weathered Hurricane Milton in October 2024 with no significant flooding. The Orlo Vista Flood Mitigation Project played a pivotal role. This marks a hopeful change from the devastating impacts of Hurricanes Irma in 2017 and Ian in 2022. Over a 34-hour period, the area endured 9.46 inches of rainfall, yet the newly enhanced drainage system ensured homes stayed dry and residents felt more secure. By tripling the capacity of three retention ponds through excavation and deploying additional pumps, the project showcased its effectiveness in protecting this historically vulnerable area.

Aerial photo of the Orlo Vista flood mitigation retention ponds

Low Impact Development (LID) Practices

LID is an approach to land development (or re-development) that works with nature to manage stormwater as close to its source as possible. LID employs principles such as preserving and recreating natural landscape features, minimizing effective imperviousness to create functional and appealing site drainage that treat stormwater as a resource rather than a waste product.

Urban development results in many changes that can impact stormwater runoff quality and quantity. To meet the treatment requirements needed to protect downstream lakes and rivers, tools such as LID practices may be used in combination with traditional stormwater best management practices.

Orange County has developed an LID manual to educate and guide applicants that may need to use these practices to meet treatment requirements of their project.

Photo of a tree inside a retention drain

Accelerated Transportation Safety Program

On June 6, 2023, Orange County and LYNX staff presented an "Accelerated Transportation Safety Program" to the Board of County Commissioners to address transportation projects utilizing existing revenue sources. Although the proposed Orange County Sales Tax Referendum did not pass in 2022, the need for critical pedestrian, bicycle and motorist safety improvements, as well as transit enhancements, still exists.

Photo of bus approaching and empty bus stop

Vision Zero

The Orange County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) supported the development of a Vision Zero Action Plan - a comprehensive initiative aimed at enhancing transportation safety in Orange County. In 2023, MetroPlan Orlando secured a $3.8 million federal Safe Streets for All (SS4A) grant to address serious safety concerns within the region. These funds are being utilized to cover the cost of coordinated Vision Zero Action Plans in their three-county service area, including Orange County, with the goal of eliminating traffic fatalities and severe injuries and creating safer roads for both the 2.2 million residents and 75 million tourists who visit Central Florida annually.

Screen shot of the Vision Zero dashboard

Median Tree Planting Program

The county has a median tree planting program that was created to plant trees along 92 miles of previously unplanted roadways. This program greatly helps our communities to increase the tree canopy which helps to reduce heat by providing shade. The program is currently at 90% completion of the original list of locations to be planted.

Photo of a newly planted row of young trees in the middle of a median

Realtime Flood Forecasting

To protect the residents and businesses of orange county from impacts from future storms, the county is developing a flood forecasting tool. This tool will better inform the community of the severity of storm events.

Diagram and chart of an aerial view of a pump station next to retention pond